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Welcome to The Culinary Darwinist! In the simplest terms, TCD is a food blog for the nerdy and adventurous baker.
Just as plants and animals are products of the environment they are born into, so too is food. But while plants and animals are subject to the influence of Mother Nature, food is subject to the influence of the human being who created it. We, as humans, leave our fingerprints on anything we make, especially food. We adapt existing tastes, textures, and flavors to delight our own sensibilities, but we rarely talk about the process of adaptation. My goal as The Culinary Darwinist is to illuminate the mechanisms behind the evolution of delicious—the processes involved in designing a recipe that speaks to something so unique and personal to you, you might say it’s in your DNA. My hope is that, through my writing and recipes, I can empower others to create culinary treasures of their own—influenced by the things that make them truly unique creatures.
“My goal as The Culinary Darwinist is to illuminate the mechanisms behind the evolution of delicious—the processes involved in designing a recipe that speaks to something so unique and personal to you, you might say it’s in your DNA.”
I may sign off as ‘The Culinary Darwinist‘, but my friends and family call me Nicole. I received an education fit for a nerd from MIT where I studied Computer Science & Molecular Biology, but not before living in Paris and studying French Patisserie at Le Cordon Bleu. After that, I worked in healthcare tech and developer tools for a few years, living in Boston and San Francisco. But despite switching coasts, my wanderlust took over. I’m about to embark on a rather itinerant lifestyle, hopping from here to there in my 16’ Airstream with my lovely pup Daisy and traveling abroad as much as I can. (Don’t fret—I’m outfitting the Airstream for baking.)
My philosophy in life is the same as my philosophy in food: Cherish the memories you have and carry them with you wherever you go. You’ll be surprised at the influence they exert on the things you create and the life you live.
If you come back and read some articles, you will gain an understanding of baking dynamics so that you can modify your own recipes and create delicious treats that are personal to you. So please do come back!
Check back here for a full catalog of recipes and articles! In the meantime, here are some sneak peek recipes—just click on the photos.